Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Okay...I Give Up, I'll Watch It (Anime Edition)

Hey what's up guys? It's KpopTokki ^_^
So I have a really bad habit (not really) of when people talk about something, whether it be anime, k-pop or a movie, and they talk about it SO much that my ears want to bleed...*cough*FROZEN*cough*...(I eventually watched it though)...I don't want to watch, listen, breathe, sleep, or eat with it anymore.

I mean the person literally just annoys the hell out of you saying, "OMG you should really watch it, it's so good, it will be the best thing you ever see, (insert random character) is the coolest person and they're better than (insert favorite character)"...

I just really hate it when people do that to me because it ruins the fun for me to discover this thing on my own and create my own opinions or feelings for it. And then I feel really bad for not giving the show or whatever it is, a chance to give me pure enjoyment. So you know what....THAT STOPS NOW!

For now I will try to be patient with people and not let their spoiling of something, take away my chance to enjoy it also. So! I've decided to make a list of a few Animes that I didn't even give a chance to watch :)

1. Fairy Tail

2. Free! (both seasons)

3. Mirai Nikki (Okay, this anime is a special case compared to the other two. No one ruined this anime for me, I ruined it for myself xD Mainly because I sometimes have the attention span of a goldfish *pretty short* and I thought the 1st episode was boring and I didn't really pay attention to it)

Also I will take recommendations for good anime! ^_^

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